Robot with Emotions? - The 5 Senses

Is it possible to make a robot which can experience your touch like a human being?

The allure of humanoids has kept scientists busy for decades. If we zero down on the 5 basic senses which humans have : touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste, we can ask an objective question and get an answer too.
Do we have humanoids/robots which can experience these 5 basic senses like humans? NO.

So, Is it possible, anytime soon?
To answer this, we would first need to understand how the 5 basic senses function in humans. 

Sound : Sound waves hit your ears and your body recognises the waves

Sight/See : Light waves gets inside your eyes and again your body deciphers the object's image

Touch/Smell/Taste : Most likely waves could be the reason for these senses as well

So, if we fully understand these senses, we could start building that first humanoid which starts to feel like a human. 

Article written by AUTHOR_NAME



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