Rough Edges Versus the Allure of Finesse


What gives you more joy? Getting 100/100 in all subjects or getting (99,99,98,97,94,...100,99)?
I'll choose the later. Not that I am capable of attaining either with no uncertainty. It's just the sight of possibility, the extra room for improvement, something which was amiss, creates a charm!

I'm pretty sure you must have heard of Casey Neistat. I am not telling why I mentioned him. Go Figure!

When there is a mass messaging about going the extra mile, giving that 10% extra, why am I invoking this sense of inadequacy and almost eulogising it? 
No reason at all. It's just me.

Growing like mushroom is not always desirable or attractive. Everybody loves to chase the growth story. Why? I don't have a definitive answer. May be they are chasing wealth/fame/independence. 

This is the opportune moment to clarify that I am no way promoting mediocrity. Perhaps I am titling towards Pareto principle. May be even this is not exactly what I mean.

Nature & human beings are drawn towards symmetrical things. This may be a reason for the allure of finesse, the craze of the perfect and the worship of the ideal!

Recall the moment, when you came back from office with the news of much awaited promotion. You put your bag away, hug your significant other and then after a while take a sip of Masala Chai which has slightly less sugar than you like. Try to capture that emotion, hold it in your hand, and tell me whether you would enjoy that rough edge to your happy moment? May be this would have added a signature, a uniqueness, a sense of individuality, a sense of belonging to that moment. 
I am reminded of this famous quote , "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." 
I would like to tweak it. Not all happy families are alike. When you are happy irrespective of what's happening around you & in your family, you get an ecstatic family.
Now, I am starting to sound cheesy; tsk!

PS : Merry Christmas! 

Article written by AUTHOR_NAME



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