Love at Last Sight (...yeah u've read it right)

7:05 AM, I don't remember the actual date, School

She came jumping with joy as if she had just won a chance to meet Aamir khan (her favourite actor).
" Hey Ashish! I've a good news "
-our heroine of the story
Don't think I'm a person who thinks too much......but
the above line is still live and fresh in my
tiny brain cells.
To say the least, this line certainly changed my life. I became a different Ashish.
You all must be wondering how these insignificant words can have such an effect on a person as stubborn and intuitive like me.
Believe me now I'm going to tell you a secret of my life which many people are still unaware.
So story continues...
Me:hey ! What's the good news?
SHEEEE (let her name be this): My father has got a new job at Andhra Pradesh, and we'll be leaving next month after the school closes for summer vacation.

This was the statement which made me feel," is it good news? (Certainly I didn't ask her)".
There's something wrong!!..............I mean really wrong, for the last decade or so since I knew her (from my childhood days), we never were great friends or good friends, I remember one incident when she was seriously hurt by my truthfulness.....let's leave that....
So, the gist is we're just classmates .............that means only classmates not at all friends (forget good friends...........)
But I don't know why I felt there’s something wrong ...............seriously wrong with me.

I was flabbergasted by this incident. I couldn't handle that, I felt the birth of a new Ashish.

Then comes the actual story which changed my whole life. I owe everything to that incidence which made me a real man from a school boy of class 9, who still was unaware of the gift of puberty(I know you all would guess what I mean and you are Damn!correct..10 on 10).

My bathroom became my weeping room. I never had cried for anything in my life, not for any toy, not for sweets, not for ice-creams, in-short I was quite content with my life, as they(everyone) always knew what I needed when.
It was a very different experience for me ,as I always used to see Hindi films and think why do a girl and boy love each other, what are the pecuniary benefits of this sort of feeling when after all one day you'll get married with a handsome amount of Dowry Groom or a pretty good looking girl (99% probability)??

But, SHEEEE (yeah she, the heroine of our story) created such an impression on my heart that it was very difficult to understand that what is wrong with me???
School turned out to be my favourite place for the following 25 major part of thought process diverted towards analyzing the geometry of her face....I tried to guess ,"is her face in accordance with Pythagoras magical ratio(needless to say I was good in maths)".
My face was always in right angle to the direction of the teacher to imagine myself with SHEEEE.....It was a change I couldn't think of in my dreams!!!
In the mean time how those 25 days passed is still a mystery for me.....
Those 25 days really gave a new dimension to my personality; I wrote my first poem dedicated to her ...which was presented to her on the last day before she left finally leaving transcendental and permanent effects on my life.
I still remember the first line of that poem...
"O SHEEEE! O SHEEEE! Don't go....

So, people I declare finally that I realized that I'm (was) in love.
But this realization couldn't help anybody (certainly not me) as since then we've never seen each be more precise it has been six years when I last apprehended her beautiful face.
I still think that was my feeling genuine? Was/am in love?
What do you think? Considering my level of maturity at that age........I was yet to cut my 15th Birthday cake....
So, please give your view as I'm still looking for an answer......I still miss her.........But some part in me always says that is this love..........????
So, do you believe in "love at last sight"????
Waiting for your reply......

[Update] : We share a special friendship now. I have lost my immaturity a bit!