Alternative Kafkaesque

Franz Kafka's most famous Metamorphosis is widely remembered as a Man who turned into a giant insect.
Is this what Kafka meant? Is this an exotic style of writing? Or was it just a metaphor lost in translation.
Most of Kafka's Novels/Stories feel like a weird world. Readers take everything literally, and they don't even consider the point of view that it could be just a way of Kafka; a technique to tell his stories.
Like Orwell's Animal Farm.

I personally used to read Kafka because of the technique of Kafkaesque, not because of the underlying intention of the writer.
On careful rumination, it feels that Kafka is just writing about contemporary issues with his own style, with his own uses of metaphors, by creating his own world of expressions.
Much like the Vector Spaces of Linear Algebra, where you could construct 5-D which can't be visualised yet the mathematics would be tractable.
Similarly, Kafka's work could have been an imagined literary space with an underlying contemporaneous issue.

This can be appreciated more if we understand how Mathematicians & Physicists look at the same things quite differently.
Abstract Vs Applied!   

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