Woohoo! Announcement & Changes!

When I started blogging, way back in the previous decade, (2008 to be precise! Yeah, this blog is that old) I just wanted to write short stories in the blog form and maybe become another IITian author (sigh!). Then, life happened. 

I met a lot of people and jumped from one choice to the next choice, each taking me further away from my initial pursuit of writing. The silver lining was that I kept reading a lot of books. Back in 2014(well 6 years back), I read 50+ books/novels/novella. On the whole, I aged with my reading habit and my writing became restrictive and it was more directed to individuals than anonymous readers. 

In the mean time, I started putting weird stuff on my blog, one day I would do a movie review, next day an interview with a founder, then a poem then election result prediction. So, my blog started out like a Cafe and soon became Big Bazaar. 

This ain't cool!

So, here I am finally doing the sane thing or may be not. I have forked my blog. Yeah!
I'll keep this blog for short stories and essays on public issues; a sort of 'my writing space'!

Apart from this blog, I have started 3 more blogs. One catering to my reviews(books,movies,series,...), one for my number crunching stories and one for Career Progression

Find the links below respectively 

2. https://statisticaldharma.blogspot.com/ (The Statistical Dharma)

Most of the content in the new blogs is old. (How oxymoronic!) I have just curated them from this blog and will add future content according to its type & relevance. Thanks for bearing with my inanities.  

In this fickle age of short attention spans, if you still like to read blogs, it'd be a good idea to bookmark these new ones mentioned above, depending upon your interests. Show some love.